Saturday, 30 November 2013


 We were blessed 10 years ago to be able to purchase our first house at the VERY young age of 19 and 20. It was such a great investment for us. That house served us very well for almost 8 years. It was a whopping 720sq feet 2 bedroom 1.5 baths. It did have a basement thankfully with another bedroom.
When red came it was great. We had my brother-in-law living with us at the time. Best part was it was a cheep mortgage so I was able to stay home with red.
Well very quickly the house started to become smaller and smaller like the wall were squeezing us in to this tiny house. It was overwhelming and crazy. Then entered the Internet oh boy I did not realise I was not the only one with this over welling problem. We were out growing our house, But financially it was not great to buy a new house so I purged and surfed the web and purged some more. In my journey from over welled to organised we got pregnant with MM. Now I had to shove 2 kids into the smallest bedroom in the world,8x10 room was not going to cut it. I really wanted to stay home with my kids so moving was not a option. So instead we made the house work for us.  Why do we, as parents need the master bed room hummm we only sleep and read books in our room . so one afternoon my hubby and I moved the rooms around. Family thought we were nuts but it was going to be way better for the kids.
So in the chaos I was able to take some pics. We lived with celery green walls for a few weeks but we loved it.
with 18" of room  around our bed we had to be smart about EVERYTHING that came into the room.
A old dresser came to the rescue and it was FREE!!!!

We LOVED it so much.
The kids need a kiddy room. Don't know about anyone else but my kids HATED the crib so as soon as mm was 6 months old he was in a twin bed it was great he stayed in bed he never rolled out and I could nurse him and not have to move him.
so for space we opted to invest in to 2 captains beds. BEST things we have ever bought no need for dresser in the kids room. The room also had to serve and a play room as well.
Sadly this is the only pic I have left after our computer crash last year. As you can see there is room to play and mm had a book shelve on the other wall behind the door.
We loved out house and made it work well for our family.
here is another pic I have dug out of archive's
My most favorite blogs to follow are:
these ladies have helped me become the proud and confident house wife I am today thanks ladies
Well that is it for this post.
Sometime big is not always better.

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