Dont get me wrong I love my kids to the end of the earth and back, but they need to go back to school and be with there friends. This year is going to be a little different I will not have any kids at home. I cant even imagine it right now. MM was only in school Tuesdays and Thursdays last year and that was great, I got lots done and somedays nothing but free time for myself. I am a little sad but that's normal. I am ready to get back to work and work on following my professional organizer dream.
Ok before school starts there has to be a plan of action, and organization. School time can be a stressful time but I find the first few weeks run so much smoother if I have a plan. The plan is never perfect. Last year MM broke his arm and had emergency surgery the first day of school. I tell ya i didn't have that on my list of things i wanted to do.
Today I am going to share some old ideas, maybe some common ideas. I am not reinventing the wheel here also not looking for perfection.
step 1- C
ommand center. This area of the house has evolved a lot over the last 3 years. It is always changing for our needs.
wall organizer from thirtyone gifts |
In our large china cabinet I have just plain old magazine holders(ikea 2.99 for 5) it holds all that paper that needs a home but does not really need a permanent home in the file cabinet. I use those pocket things that you can get at any office supply store or the dollor store to sort some of the stuff. My hubbies work ticket stuff is in the pink folder lol so if he needs it right away its there for him and I don't have to get out of the filing cabinet downstairs for him. The kids one is mosly art that will come home from school and then it goes down stairs in there memory bin.
Our dinning room is our homework area to Red has a desk in her room if she need quiet, but 90% of it is done here. Simple is my middle name.
This is my drawer. I have a "problem" with color coding someday lol I love my sharpies and my ink joys. ahhhhh pure HAPPY!!!
This spot has not changed at all, why change something that works well right.
step 2- bedrooms
I love a clean bedroom. Studies show kids that have messy rooms have lots of stress in the morning and it carries on through out there day.
Most of the kids clothes are hung up. I do this for 2 reason, one they are out of site out of mind kids, so they need to see all there clothes to make a decision. Second reason is they put there clothes away on laundry day. Like most kids they can not fold at all. (OCD mom right here). For the most part it always looks good.
My favorite thing in the closets is and always has been is a "TOO BIG" "TOO SMALL" bins I am a bargain shopper and I get great deals for next size up. Also I like the small bin cause if something is to small they toss it in there and every few months, I will go around and collect the stuff and take it away to the thrift shop.
Step 3-
lunches The lunch center really haven't changed, why it works so well.
See what I hide in here,
Now, with your plan in hand you are ready for a smooth school season. Just a reminder, you are the master of your mornings. If you are stressed in the morning it makes your kids stressed but at the same time all plans have hicups so don't be to hard on yourself.