So today my day started off realy early. Like 3 am, yes most would think i am nuts but such is life. So as i make breakfast for the man and all i can hear is the trickeling of the coffee maker, my mind drifts in to what my next blog is all about.
Today i am going to share some of my "sanity savers" . Being a very busy person, somedays i need to run on auto pilot. The best thing i ever did for my sanity was create a home binder. At first i started with basic stuff. Ie. Phone numer list, small calander, and some important papers that didnt have a home or i didnt want them lost in the filing cabinet. 5 years later i have 3 binders, one is still my home binder the second one is the kids and pet binder and the third is the budget binder. Then i tossed the filing cabinet and now have binders holding all that stuff. It really is only 6 binders i got from the dollar store. It works WAY! Better for us. It is a bit stressful for me to put pictures of my binder systems on the web just because there is so much information in them. So for you to have an idea i have put my favorate blog links here. Idont use one idea i use lots of differant ones to make my binders work well for us.
1: budget binder
2:home binder
On to another sanity saver. Timers, i love them. They keep me focused and help me move fast and somedays just help me move. Somthing i dread is dishes. I hate them. So for the first few years of life on my own i would let them pile up till the whole kitchen was covered. Perfectionism and laziness got the best of me on that one. I didnt think i had 2 hrs to clean the kitchen perfectly so i just would not do it. Well 10 years later almost every night i have to set my timmer for 10 min and beat the timmer. I aways win. I also use my timmer for putting away laundry. It shows me how much i can do in 5,10,15 min intervals. Try it you be supised at how fast you can unload the dishwasher, and put the towels away. Then you feel like you can have a 15min break. Half the time it motives me to do more.
Baskets and labels!!! I love bins, buckets, what ever I got handy. The thing about them is they can make the craziest places look amazing. The trick to them is lables. I make mine out of bisuness cards on my computer, or if you like your writing to can do that too. In the begining of a projct i do the handwitghting ones so i can see if the plan will work for every one. Another tip, baskets should not be for junk everything needs a home.

Command center!! Oh i love ours. It works well for the kids too. Its super simple, which i love. I did a very small post a few years ago on it. Here It got a new paint job to go with the new color that will be going in the living room
Next is my cleaning schedule. I dont love to clean but I dont hate it. I found when i had mm and 2 kids under 3 i could not keep up with the house cleanining. I was big cause of alot of my anxiaty. So i set up a cleaning schedule it realy is simple. It makes me feel in contoll of the house.... most days.
This sits in the back sleave of my home binder. I have been doing this system for a few years so i dont realy have to look at it everyday. It s also just on paper not stone. Stuff happens, kids get sick other stuff has to get done but i have made it so i can get it done in around 15 mins. Thursday is my big day i find. It is the day for fridge cleanning. Garbage day is friday so i want all garbage and old food in there by thursday night. I will figure out how to get pdfs put on here asap. If you want a copy of this please email me and i can send you it.
Well thats all for today well for this time in the am. Iam working on some great posts for the next few weeks so like me on facebook, so you can get updates. Crazyvalleymama
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