Thursday, 30 April 2015

good things happen to those who wait.....or work hard.

Good day!!!
Today I am here to share my living room redo. If you have been reading my blog, you know I love to decorate all the time. Over the last 3 years I have been making our 950sq foot home ours. 3 years a go we bought this house from my brother and have never looked back. lots of people would think a 950sq foot house is so small, but we love it. Really the new trend happening is 1962 small lol if I could call it that. Lets get to the fun stuff.
This was the dinning room 3 years ago when my brother owned it. For a single guy with room mates, it worked well.
The living room 3 years ago.

this is the wall 3 years ago lol its the biggest wall in our whole house. it shares the dinning room and living room.

Lets get to the after pictures!!!!!!
last before pic 
Let the fun start It looked like my house got shot up.

 there is a small difference between the old and new.
 If you are interested in the board and batten wall you can read here.
 Are you ready!!!!!!

 my favorite view!!!! those flowers are fake, can you believe that. I love them.

My puppy loves to pose for the camera. 
I love color. so its still in need of a shopping trip for some pillows but I love the cleanness of it. It is getting there slowly. I guess good things come to those who wait....... or work hard. Till next time!!! working on showing you how I organize the dresser with all our outside stuff.

waiting for perfect

As I sit here, at my kitchen table trying to think  of ideas for my living room. I cant help but think I have to wait to share with all of you my hard work. Its not perfect yet, it might not be perfect for a few months. I am not about to go shell out $250.00 for the coffee table that I want just to make blog world happy.

This is the problem with the world today. Everyone has to be the perfect, put together person. That alone, is stressful. We are suopse to make mistakes, take chances, live life without fear or judgment. I was talking to my daughter the other night well she was doing homework. I asked her why did you skip that question? her answer was "what if I get it wrong". it hit me like a bean bag was just fired into my chest. she lives in fear that she will be wrong, so she dose not even try. her and I talked for a bit, I never thought that she would aswer like that. I want her to try her best but the fear she has at 8 is already holder her back. I asked her why she was scared to get it wrong. after saying I don't know 20 times she fianly said she dose not want to make us mad and the teacher to get mad.

 this is one of the resons I do the things I do. I was a labled kid in school. I was in the "special" group of kids. I hated it and loved it all at the same time. the expectstions from people was very low for me. "she cant do that". half the time I was sent off to another room well the "normal" kids learned school stuff I was being showed how to use a calculator and spell check. in the moment it was nice, I got the easy way out. know that I am older and have kids my self, I refuse them to be put into the "special" class. being labeled not smart at a young age was hard on me. I didn't go to collage because I had fear I would fail. For years I wanted to start my own blog, to put my voice out there, but because I was labeled 12 years ago as a not so strong writer I thought that no one would want to read a blog from someone who has the worst grammar and spelling. as you can tell I didn't lisen to the nay sayers. I wanted to show my kids even though I am not a strong reader or writer I have a voice and a talent. I love to organize and I love computers. I remember a teacher came to me one day and asked me what I was good at. I didn't know all I knew was I was not good at a lot of stuff. she showed me that the things I was not strong at were holding my things I was amazing at down too. I met this teacher in grade 11.

so in the end we all  looking for a thing that realy does not exixt. perfection does not exixted non of us are perfect, some might think that, but nothing is perfect well exept for a sunrise and a sunset. stop waiting for profection its never going to come. I think that us women need to show reality sometimes. The 3 teir cake was not easy, it took hours to plan and make "perfect" it was manufactured stress just so my kids would have the perfect birthday to remember. I bet the only thing they really remember is the nut case of a mother trying to get the thing to say up.
so lets help each other out. non of us are perfect.

Monday, 27 April 2015

home blessing!!!! aka cleaning

Today I am going to share my trick for keeping my clean enough with kids, a black lab puppy and a husband. Lets get started, so home blessing is a thing that fly lady started me on years ago. I had 2 demanding kids under the age of 3. MM was a colicky, cry 24/7 baby, it was no fun for any of us. Under extreme anxiety I stumbled on flylady looking for ideas to help with the house stress. She had some great ideas. I started them right away. Step one was keeping the sink clean. WHAT is there a bottom of a sink, but I follower her advice and made sure I had a clean sink every night. it was AMAZING!!!, but for me it was not just a clean sink, it was starting my morning off with nothing to do just make the kids something to eat and unload the dish washer. It was big, I felt I could control the mess a bit. The next step was to get dressed to laced up shoes , crazy right I am a stay at home mom I don't need to get out of my pjs. ha that was even bigger step to calmness was to get all the kids and I dressed even if we were not going out anywhere. It gave us energy and happiness. I would even brush my hair and maybe toss on some makeup, not for anyone else but for myself. Then came making a cleaning schedule, she did not say I needed one I just needed one to make me feel like I had purpose, that I could control at least one thing in my life. I liked to get most of my cleaning done in the morning. At first it was basic stuff, sweep and mop, dishes, make bed. As what flylady says baby steps. Then came home blessing hour, she does hers on Monday I tend to do mine on Fridays. kind of get ready for the weekend I might do a quick version on Monday if we have had a lazy or busy weekend. I see it like a reset on the house.
This is my home blessing hr. She does her differently as I said before, all in all it is what works for you and your family.
  1. 10mins putting laundry way.
  2. 10mins vacuuming or Swiffer the 10lbs of dog hair off the floor.
  3. 10mins away dusting what ever needs doing.
  4. 10min  laundry room filling up the smaller jugs whipping down the machines, sweeping, making sure all loads are done.
  5. 10 mins doing a 21 toss, this is me getting a shopping bag and going around the living room and dinning room and basement living rooms, trying to find 21 things to toss could be garbage or a old broken toy or something to donate.
  6. 10mins to put stuff back in there parking spots.

I love to listen to pod casts, my favorite one is hardwall. It is an hour long so it is perfect for this and it is high energy and gets me moving.

had to share this its so sweet. you can download the file at

I hope this helps to relieve some stress from your life. Have a blessed day!!!!!

Monday, 13 April 2015

office organizing!!!

Welcome!!! spring is in the air and I am loving life.  I have a few free minutes I wanted to share some of my office organizing with you today. This may be the shortest post I have ever done. Ok here we go, well you all know I LOVE!!!!! labels I don't think you can over label, well maybe a little.

so I got his cabinet from a friend. I cant wait till the weather is better I can toss a coat of paint on to it. For now it works great for my office stuff. I am so happy with this space right now. I run 4 companies out of my little 10x13 office. The wifi printer fits perfect here the little drawers up top hold all the paper and labels, then I have all company's divided in magazine files. I love magazine files SOOOOOO much they just make piles look so much better lol.
It is super simple with some nactac and some labels all from the dollar store and it looks so clean and nice. My catalogue for thirty one is all put into a binder in protective sleeves. My calendar is also in there its easy to book parties.  
this shelf if my organizing company and all the HR stuff for my families business. yes I have a whole basket for jimmy hooks yet another obsession.
well that is all the time I have today. pray for good weather so I can paint this asap.  have a great day